lovin' all these morning walks

Thursday, March 30, 2023


been working on myself nonstop. i fail every so often, but that does not mean i should stop.

i've always been a morning person and i'm proud that my body can naturally wake up on time without the need of any alarm clock. (fun fact: i don't use alarm clocks in the morning except on the days when i have some important appointments that i should not miss) however, i have my way of ruining my natural rythm that i started getting up late in the morning, so recently, i've been trying to learn to get up early again, and one of the things that 's helping me do it is my commitment to do my morning walk. i find pleasure on walking and strolling around a few hours before i sit down on my desk and devote my day for work. it helps me stretch my muscles and breathe some fresh air. i made my mom my accountability partner for this, and i do this together with her, so it's also an opportunity for me to have some quality time with her. sucha win-win!

also, one of the things that makes me enjoy our morning walks are the kind "good mornings" from strangers who are also walking around—most of them are at my mom's age already. we don't know them at all, but every time we pass by each other, they never hesitate to give out an amiable smile and a friendly "good morning." it reminds me the importance of just simply sharing a smile to a stranger. it doesn't hurt and it doesn't cost a thing, anyway, so whenever we have the chance, let's share our smile. we'll never know who badly needs it.

@marizdlcruz good morning, friday! ⛅️#fyp #vlog #minivlog ♬ Here Comes the Sun - Relaxing Instrumental Music



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