hi, i'm again on a social media break

Thursday, June 15, 2023


hi, i found myself getting active on here again. this always happens every time i decide to get myself off of facebook, ig, and twitter. getting off of these platforms is always the best thing to do for me. i found myself happier and doing more in life. recently been getting up early and logging into work earlier than i usually do too. and i'm feeling at ease and chill these days which makes me romanticize life more.

also, idk if anyone out there can relate, but i feel like i am in this phase in my life where i don't wanna be seen anymore at all. i mean, i'm just here living my life and i don't want people to know how i am and what i'm doing. they wonder if they wonder—that's just it.

and i find instant messaging really exhausting.  when i'm on it, i feel like people can just break into my life anytime they want to. so with that, i stopped connecting with anyone other than the people closest to my heart. i still have my messenger active, though and i sometimes accidentally read messages, but i don't respond. "accidentally" because i don't usually intend to open them, but i sometimes happen to click on them by chance. and overtime, people just got used to me leaving them on read most of the time. they already know i don't usually respond and i feel like i have made it become a part of my personality now. lol. it actually made life easier because i no longer feel guilty whenever i leave a text on read nor do i feel pressured to respond. now i really don't mind responding to messages when i don't find them important. sometimes, however, i actually wonder if i'm doing this right. while it's good because i have set some boundaries and it is protecting my peace, on the flip side, i wonder if i am isolating myself quite too much? career-wise, would this cost me something? how do i even find the balance? 😅

on another note, i took these photos last year, and they seem perfect for the thoughts that i have just shared. that cottage is kinda the metaphor of the life that i want at the moment. haha!

anyway, hope y'all are having a lovely week!



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